Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken character

I forced a smile. “You can do it too.”  She shook her head. “Did you not see what just happened?” “That was my fault,” I said as I straightened her out in front of me. “I should’ve warned you. Guess I’m a bad mentor.” She giggled, her cheeks rosy, but her expression withered when she looked below her. “Will you catch me if I can’t?” “Of course.” “Okay.” She bit her chapped lip and spoke past it. “I’ll try.”  I grabbed her hands, holding her up, and concentrated on her energy. She seemed ready. “Whenever you want to,” I said.  She hesitated, tapping her fingernails against my palms, before she let go. Her body dipped, and I mirrored her, but she remained in the air, gaping. “I’m doing it,” she said, shining. “I’m flying!” “You’re flying.” Her accomplishment felt like my own.  Slowly, she spun around, staring at the ground beneath her. “I can’t believe it,” she whispered, and I tapped her shoulder. She looked up, her eyes met mine, and her cheeks burned red. The shadows faltered, slipping beneath her feet, and she started to drop. She yelped, shocked by the sudden loss of control, and I grabbed her.  “Don’t,” I emphasized, “lose your concentration.”  She nodded, and I held her in my arms again. Except, this time she didn’t seem mad about it. She lightly held onto my jacket, relaxing as she stared across Hayworth. Her violet eyes glittered with reflections. “I never realized how pretty Hayworth looked at night,” she said. “It seems bigger up here.”
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken

I froze, forcing myself to look away from her in order to study my hometown. Flying had always been what I concentrated on. Not the beauty. Why didn’t I look at it that way before? When I looked back at her, she was staring at me.  “Is something wrong, Shoman?”  I shrugged, shaking my head. “I’m fine,” I said. I feel strange.  Without much thought, I laid my arm around her petite shoulders, tracing basic calming spells along her arm. They weren’t hurting her, and they weren’t evil. They were more like comfort food. My mother had always used them to relax me before bed. I loved them, but I hadn’t used them in a long time.  Her purple eyes wavered, but she smiled, pushing her black hair back. “It’s soothing up here, isn’t it?” I nodded.  “So much better than my real life.” My hand tightened around her shoulder. “This is your real life.” She held her breath and peered up at me. “It is, isn’t it?” Her tone had dropped. At least she had the right to leave if she wanted to. “Can I ask you a question?” I asked, listening to my words as if I wasn’t the one who spoke them.  “I don’t see why not,” she said, and I dropped my eyes.  “How’d your parents separate from the Dark?” Because I want out.  “I told you,” she said, moving away as she folded her arms. “They don’t know about this.”
Gakusen toshi asterisk

“But—” “I’m adopted,” she said, and I inhaled, my lungs burning against the midnight cold.  “That explains things,” I said, and her lips thinned.  “It happens.” Without another word, she floated away and spread her arms out. Slowly, she descended to the ground, her black hair flying above her, shadows sparkling behind her. She was a natural. It had taken me two weeks to perfect a landing, and I was the best in my class. She mastered it in minutes.  What was she? My heart slammed into my gut as I followed behind her. My feet met the ground, and I steadied myself, unsure how she could handle herself so well. As natural as she was, it was unnatural for a shade who hadn’t even gone through the Naming.  “I should be going,” she said, avoiding eye contact. “I have school in the morning.” With my night vision, I stared at my wristwatch. It was two in the morning.  “Right,” I said. “Me, too.” “See you tomorrow then?” she asked, and I nodded.  “Can’t wait.”

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